So for those of you who know my dh, you know he is terrified to fly. It is an irrational and unexplainable fear. He has never flown and does not even entertain the thought without breaking out in hives!! Until now, this refusal to fly has been an annoyance but it hasn't been something that has caused too much turmoil in our lives. Emily and I have flown and he stays home. I go on international mission trips and he stays home- NO BIG DEAL!
NO BIG DEAL until now. Bringing our girl home from China requires flight. Flight is a must. The one saving grace is that he doesn't have to go. Chinese adoption law does not require both parents to travel in order for the adoption to take place. (Some places do and honestly because of my husband's stance on flying-we didn't even consider those places.)
He doesn't have to go..but how could he miss it? How could he not be there when I lay eyes on our daughter for the first time? How could he not be there to hold her, feed her, and love her the first moments that we can? So..I have been sending up some big prayers that God would erase these irrational fears and he would be given an overwhelming desire to overcome this stronghold keeping him back from flying.
I've been praying...
And today over eggs, my dear man casually says... Do we have to change any of the paperwork if I am going to travel to China to get Jillian? Tearing up I reply..Are you going? He says..YES!!!
Wow! God is sooo amazing and I am so blessed to be a part of all that He is doing in our family. Hold on tight my beautiful girl..Mommy, Daddy, and Emily will be over as soon as we can to bring you into our family. We love you so much and can't wait to meet you.
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