Blessed beyond words to have attended the Connecting Hearts to the Forgotten Conference held at East White Oak Bible Church. It was an amazing day focused on raising awareness about adoption and orphan ministry. People from churches everywhere gathered for the orphan's sake. OH. BE. STILL. MY. HEART.
You know it's going to be a good day when...
the first session opens with an introductory video containing priceless images of children and half the women watching are sobbing.
the prayer warriors for the conference are praying over the church and rejoicing that some children are being "born" in their adoptive parents' heart this very day.
you see 147 million gear for sale when you enter the ministry fair. (See it for yourself here.)
there are women in every nook and cranny speaking about bloggers as if they are personal friends.
there are more books about adoption on the display tables than you can even count.
all those sitting around you are signed with AGCI and adopting orphans just like you.
you see a grown man cry when he speaks of his adoption experience.
you are holding a Bible in your lap and the sweet referral picture of your daughter in your hands with tears of praise streaming down your face. Thank you sweet Jesus!!
What a blessed day. Still can hardly believe that I am really walking this road. Still pinching myself and asking God are you sure you have chosen to bless me with this? If you missed it, Kelly Putty from Ordinary Hero is coming to speak, in person, on April 9 at Cornerstone Baptist Church outside of Morton, IL. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Will you join me?
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
I plan on trying to b there!