One of those days when you can't help sobbing at all the Lord has done and continues to do..
Didn't sleep much last night because frankly we have a lot of money to come up with still and there is a lot left to do to be ready to leave in 6-7 weeks. Restless. Not worried, but more excited about what the Lord is going to do. Racing mind full of so much.
Then I wake up to...
an email from a friend and her husband who want to donate all the food so that we can sell lunch at our garage sale. She is even bringing along two friends to help sell-who don't even know me because they care so much about the fatherless that they want ever child to have a home.
a check (second donation) for $150 from some precious friends who really don't have much extra spare.
another email from a friend who says she will be there to do whatever I need her to do on the day of the sale.
a man at the CVS who doesn't even charge me for the passport photos I had to get for my visa today because he cares about what we are doing.
a text from my little sister that says she will come the day of the sale and sell her Scentsy and donate to our fund.
an email from my mom who says she will be there to work that day too.
(And so many more!!!)
God is so good and you know I just keep thinking that if I had said no to this adoption thing, if I had been too scared to step out in faith, I would have missed all that God has done in our lives. This is not the first day in our journey that has been abundant with the blessings of God-these posts keep coming up again and again. $15,000 dollars donated, $5,000 donated, our family vacation paid for, friends who give-not once but- again and again..... It occurs to me all the time that-I could have missed this. If I had rationalized this thing, thought about money, let my fear take over-I would have said no-and missed being Jill's mom. I could have missed this glimpse God has given me into His heart and how He continues to show me through His word He loves the orphan. I could have missed the abundant blessings that just keep being poured on by my Father as I walk this road to our girl! Man-I am so glad I didn't miss this!! So glad today that God was persistent in us and that we said YES to this journey when He was calling.
I so wish that I could wrap my arms around each and every one of you who have been such an incredible blessing as we work to bring Jill home. You know who you are and we dearly love each and everyone of you. Can't wait for you to meet Jill. Can't wait to tell her the stories of this journey and all that God has done to bring her to us. To God Be the Glory!!!
We are coming sweet girl. We are coming..
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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