Sitting with this little bundle in my lap as Christmas music filled the air in our sanctuary, I shed a tear as I wondered this Christmas..
Does the woman, a half a world away who gave you life, think of you everyday?
Does she mourn the daughter that she will never know?
Does she imagine your laugh or your smile?
Did she ever dream that you would be mine, living in America?
Did she know that when she made the ultimate sacrifice and surrendered you, that she was giving me the greatest gift of my life?
I wonder about her and at times it makes me cry. I can't imagine my life without Jillian and I can't imagine the circumstances the she must have faced that caused her to make the ultimate, loving sacrifice and give up her child. I pray for her all the time..Jillian's birth mother. I pray that she has peace. I pray that her heart knows the Lord and that one day in heaven I will meet her and thank her for giving me this precious, priceless gift.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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