Dear Jillian,
I wonder if there will ever be a time that I don't marvel at the opportunity that we have to get to be with you in this life. I wonder if I will ever begin to take for granted the fact that you have so much life in your smile and that you are able to enjoy the ordinary. I wonder if I will ever forget that your start was so far from ideal and loose sight of just how far you have come. I wonder, when you are grown, if I will remember the exuberance I felt having you sitting there next to me at the church birthday party Sunday knowing that you would have never been comfortable enough to be connected to us in this environment even two months ago. I wonder if I will begin to feel as thrilled as I am now every time you wear a hair bow, look me in the eye, or come to me when you are hurting. I hope that I don't loose it. I hope that God uses all of these feelings to continue to change my heart. I hope that He allows me to continue to see just how marvelous you are and how powerful He is to restore you. I can't believe how you are changing. I am enjoying you so much and you are taking on the world more and more. To God be the glory my baby girl for great things He has done in your heart. I love you sweet one!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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