I passed by him just now. There was a group of adults, who were probably residents of a group home, doing there shopping at a store this afternoon. There he stood at the end of the aisle with a funny crumpled face, because the aisle was so crowded, just shaking his head at the squeeze he was about to experience. I spoke to him and he smiled the broadest smile. It was the kind of smile that just lights up my insides. He showed me his hat. I asked if he was buying pencils like his friends. He said yes and then he said "see you later" as I carried on with my shopping and left the aisle. Then, I started to tear up because that joyful, wonderful, amazing, friendly man made me think of this one..
This little man just passed away in an orphanage never knowing the love of a family. He passed away at 7 months old never having the value, experiencing the community, or joy that this man in the grocery store, whom I just passed, got to experience. These two individuals share similar genetic make-up and were both created by the same God in His own image and yet tragically this little man, at only 7 months old, left the earth all too soon. He was never given the care or value that he deserved on this Earth. I cried for him and the millions of other children around the world who wait. As I cried, I thanked God for allowing me to see these children with His eyes and I prayed that He would allow me to be a part of doing something more. Could God be calling you to do something? Listen. We are His hands and feet to the least. If we don't act, who will?
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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