Today, I am overcome with emotion because today is Jillian's finding day.
Dearest Jillian,
Five years ago today, just five days after your birth, you were found by a woman and taken to the orphanage. Five years ago today, your birth mother likely saw and kissed you for the last time. She had five days with you and I hope with all my heart that the memories of those days are ones she can hold onto and treasure. I am grateful today for the protection that God provided you as you lay waiting for someone to find you. I feel so unworthy to parent you as you are such a miraculous little being whom God clearly has a great plan for. My precious girl I can't thank your birth mother enough for giving you life. I can't imagine what she went through in deciding to leave you this day five years ago, but I am grateful to God for leading me to you and that I get the chance to know you as my daughter. I love you with all my heart. I have seen great miracles in the last three years as I walk beside you and my faith in God is so much bigger because of your part in my life. If I could see your birth mother now, if I could only have a few minutes with her, I would assure her that you are loved and treasured. I would tell her of the great God who protected you and brought you to me. I would give the glory to Him for the works He continues to do in your life. You my dear, dear sweet girl are so very loved by me, but even more loved by the one who made you and wrote each of these days in His book long before He gave you to me. He alone is the one who planned for you to be found on this day five years ago. He directed the steps of the person who found you, made sure you were taken to that small, rural orphanage, and then brought to us nearly two years later. You are one of the greatest blessings of my life and today I pause to remember your birth mother and give thanks for her.
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