This girl is one of my greatest joys. Seriously, she is so much like I am that I can't help, but absolutely adore her. She loves everything that I do and she just wants to be exactly like I am. Her language, her routines, her mannerisms are an exact copy of mine again and again! She loved playing at the family museum when we took our day trip there and, more than that, I loved being with her. She is just so much fun!
She smiled all day long! She loved making momma pizza with mushrooms.
The oven lit up when you put the pizza in. It made her smile big and giggle every time.
She was in her element for sure as playing in her play kitchen at home is her favorite thing to do!
The grocery store was where she spent most of her time. She loves playing grocery store and loved this module so much! We must have visited it for at least four shopping trips during our four hour play session.
The shoe store module was cute and it made her smile when momma measured her feet.
She chose these red heels to try on, but was sad when she couldn't wear them home.
They even had a workshop with real tools so we built a little project together. She used a saw, a screwdriver, a hand drill, and a hammer. She was thrilled!
She loved all the dress up clothes too, but wasn't always so happy when momma stopped playing to take pictures.
Here she is making me scrambled eggs exactly the way I make the girls scrambled eggs almost every morning. She certainly has become mine and I hope I never forget the miracle that it is that she calls me momma.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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