Nearly four years ago now, you came home to us so broken and so isolated
by the circumstances of those first two institutionalized years of your life that we
were told by many professionals you would never be able to function. We were
told that you would never learn, never attach..the nevers could go on
and on. Sweet girl the list of what you accomplish just continues to
grow every day! As I watch it happen in the day to day, I am overcome
with emotion that I just can't express. I am so thankful for you..
This morning, I watched you "ask" your daddy for breakfast in bed. You signed "red eggs" (eggs with ketchup) "here" as soon as he greeted you to get you up for school. I saw your daddy snuggle next to you in your smallish twin bed and lovingly feed you right there because he spoils you shamelessly and I love that about him.
At school this week, YOU WROTE YOUR NAME ALL BY YOURSELF! You are even writing many of the letters of the alphabet with a model.
You are working on reading eight sightwords, identifying your numbers to 40, naming your letters, and so much more.
You are potty training, building sentences in your computer to tell us what is in your head, and using your natural voice to say some sounds that represent words to you.
You are playing spa with your sister and I signing blue to tell us you would like blue nail polish.
You are sassy when I put your sister in time out sticking your little fingers up to mock my counting 1, 2, 3.
You sign "wait" "i love you" when you want us to leave your room so you can do something ornery like climb up the walls in your bedroom.
You are a tornado when it comes to sensory experiences you enjoy. You love your bath and like to splash your water everywhere. You love to play in sand, flour, beans, gravel, and the snow. You keep us on our toes and we embrace that about you.
Dear baby girl, you love us! This morning you signed sister when Anna was playing in your room on the sit n spin. You sign daddy when you want daddy to put you to bed and momma when you need momma to feed you or sit with you at the game. You are our miracle my baby girl and walking alongside you in this life is just so much more than this momma deserves. You are a treasure and your family is so very proud of you! I remember writing this post when you took your first steps after having been home only a few weeks. I remember thinking that all you needed most was a family to love and believe in you. Sweet treasure you have defied the odds and blossomed in this family. We are so very thrilled about that and that we were the family chosen to be yours.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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