Four and half years ago, I walked into a smoke filled government building in Xian, China and was handed a screaming fifteen pound twenty-six month old. She was horribly neglected, probably abused, and an empty shell of a child nearly completely void of life. The enemy of this world intended to destroy her. Never did he dream that God would bring a family for her, and that our loving God would restore her heart in order to further His Kingdom. Today, this, once discarded little one, who is my Jillian, shared Jesus with her first grade class. The class had a project assigned to complete a poster about their family's special holiday traditions. I designed her poster so that buttons on her Nova Chat could be created so that she would easily recognize them and that would allow her to follow along with the poster explaining each of our traditions. We cut and glued pictures to create her poster and then we practiced hitting the buttons that represented each picture. She talked about our family celebrating Jesus' birthday, investing in others, having a lazy day on Christmas in our pajamas, laughing a lot, including cookies, and taking part in our nativity play. She rocked her presentation with the help of her special personal teacher. Her first grade teacher sent the above picture of her sharing. It brings me to tears to think of all that God has brought her through, but I also feel a great sense of triumph at all that I have seen her overcome because of Him. Honestly being her mother is one of the greatest privileges of my life! Millions more of these amazing treasures wait this Christmas for someone to come for them believing that God will restore their hearts and use their lives to further His kingdom. This Christmas, PRAY that these children will not be forgotten by the church. Pray that more will be welcomed home into a loving, Christian family, and that they might grow to know, love, and serve Jesus!
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