Yesterday morning Anna Mei and I were on our way to take Molly to speech therapy. I started the car to hear one of my favorite worship songs playing on the radio. After a few minutes, my five year old girl's voice chimed up from the back saying..Momma there are always God songs on in our car. Her tone seemed like a question so this momma took the opportunity to explain that I want to always, always be filling my heart and mind with the Lord. I want to hear His word, who He is, and praise Him every minute of my life. I tell my babe how hard it is to not let other things creep in, and that listening to only God songs helps this momma stay as full as I possibly can. I go on to explain that I hope so much to pass on that habit to her as she grows. I also tell her that I pray that she will always choose to fill herself up with the things of the Lord even when momma isn't always with her. Then she thinks for a minute, and asks..Momma, are we trying to teach these things to Molly too? To which I reply..Why, yes baby. I try to pass it on to each one of you as the Lord is the most important thing that momma could ever pass on to you. Then, my beautiful girl says..Momma I am not always a good teacher for Molly. Sometimes, I don't obey you. (To which this momma is thinking, "sometimes" is the wrong adjective as you NEVER obey me my strong willed cherub.) Aside from my humor, this was such a sweet moment. I love all things about being five. I love that she is discovering herself, her heart, her Lord, and growing up right before my very eyes. She is still a bit of a hand full, but in moments like these I feel like the Lord is softening her heart to Him. How I pray that she surrenders fully to Him, and that I get a chance to walk beside her just a bit in this life as she lives in His will because she is so passionate, so strong, and I just can't wait to see how He could use her for His Kingdom.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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