Our Jillian..she is such a miraculous, incredible little being. Yesterday, we headed to the eye doctor. Because medical stuff has been so hard for her, we hadn't ever tried to take her for an exam before. We just couldn't bring ourselves to put her through the stress that it would cause her when we didn't see any concerns, but as she gets more and more comfortable we are constantly seeking new ways to help her. We haven't necessarily had any concerns about her eye sight, but she has been doing so well at conquering life that when we began to see a wonderful eye doctor for our Anna Mei we asked her about bringing in our special treasure. As usual, this girl of ours absolutely rocked her appointment, and brought this momma to tears. She signed, and signed, and signed some more. I am overcome with so much emotion that she is able to share so much with me. There were so many months in the beginning of her life that, because of neglect, she was happier to be soothing herself, silently suffering alone that I feared many, many days that she would never get here. She LOVES watching cataract surgery on youtube so she asked if she had a cataract and would have surgery asleep which made me chuckle. She asked a million times about seeing the microscope. She talked about the drops in her eye to open it. (She didn't like the drops, but recovered so quickly.) She told me that the light bulb scared her. She said so much with her signs, and I listened to every single one soaking in the miracle that has occurred in the heart of our girl as God has restored her. She spent so much time not mattering, spending each day hopelessly alone, and cast off. While it seemed like some days we would never be on this side of her, being here is just so good. As always, she was a show stopper. Many, many mommas watch her, ask me about her, and tell me what a beautiful thing she is. This baby of mine shines in the most perfect, and beautiful way. She radiates a worth, a hope, and a soul that is hard to ignore. That God would allow me the privilege to be her momma is so far out of my grasp that my only response can be gratitude. I am so grateful that God brought us this beautiful, amazing little girl. I am so thankful that He allowed her to open our eyes, and our hearts to the orphan because these last five years with her have been full of miraculous because she has been in it. After her drops, she lay in my arms with her head perfectly peaceful and still against my arm. I rocked her in the waiting room wiping tears, and singing "How Great Is Our God" because indeed He has shown himself so great through this babe of mine. I can't wait to get home just one more!
By the way, she has a wee bit of nearsightedness showing up, but it may be years before she needs a prescription. That is a relief because it would take a miracle of the Lord to keep glasses on this girl.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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