Dear, Sweet Molly Moo,

It hasn't even been two years ago yet that you walked into my arms. You were hesitant to come to me, but since you have never looked back. You adore our family. You love, love on us all, and so easily connect to whomever you are close to. You are happy..full of JOY..each day as you don't let anything keep your spirits down too long. Your sister, Anna Mei, is definitely your favorite person in the whole world right now with me being a close second. I often say that you don't have an identity apart from your sister because you just want to do and be everything that she does. You have a sense of humor like no one else in our family as you are rarely ever serious for too long. Often you are making silly faces or spitting your tongue at Daddy to get him laughing, and usually it works as he will play and play with you as you act silly. You are my most independent little one. You love to do everything by yourself for yourself like a big girl. You don't let anything stop you from accomplishing a goal, and as you grow that trait will be so valuable. It has been so exciting to watch you grow this year as you are so bright. You have made two years growth in most areas at school, and we are so proud of how excited you are to learn new things. You have clung tightly to orange cat (your stuffed friend) this year, but have recently begun to leave it behind. There are so many signs that you are growing up! Nothing will stop you from changing this world sweet girl, and we are so thrilled to be beside you as you do it. As I watch you, I pray that you will continue to embrace who God made you to be, and that you will boldly go into this life ready to be used in big ways by Him. We love you more than you will ever know dear girl, and are beyond privileged to be your Momma and Daddy.
All my love,
Happy Birthday!