It has been several weeks now since we met our daughter's extra chromosomes. Trisomy 9p is the official declaration given.. the nuts of bolts of why she is who she is today. To us, we don't see her as anything more than perfect, valuable, and created by a maker who makes no mistakes. He intended for her to be put together just as she is, and to be our daughter. I could go on and on about just how miraculous she was made. I don't think Daddy has even read the pamphlet about the rare designer chromosomes our daughter has because, as he said, she is first of all just our daughter. It makes no difference to us that her chromosomes are out of the ordinary. On the contrary, most days we feel as if we have won the family lottery being able to parent these extraordinary daughters we have been given by the Lord. The geneticist at the U, who has seen all our girls and is very familiar with our beautiful family, said that we should put no limits on what our baby girl might accomplish because look at all she has done already. I agree! God knows what this time on earth for her will bring, and all that she will do to change this world to bring Glory to Him who created her. We are just along for the ride, and couldn't be more thrilled to call her our precious, treasured daughter.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
5 months ago
Hello we are the parents of a little boy named Loouka . We live in France . Our child is 3 years old . We would love to talk about this disease . We discovered Loouka’s disease when he was 1 month old. Or on my blog