Dear Sweet Jillian,
Will you ever know how seeing that smiling face of yours effects my heart?
Will you ever grasp how God used you to change everything?
Will you ever understand how very much you are cherished by this momma?
Will you know that because of you God led us to three more beautiful girls?
My dear baby girl each day with you by our sides is such a joyous miracle. I never dreamed that saying yes to being your momma would alter every inch of my heart or that I would grow to love so much more deeply because you are mine. I never imagined the work that Jesus would do through you in my life and I couldn't possibly have dreamed where loving you so much would lead. This weekend, I have seen you smile so much. In the beginning I couldn't have hoped for this much healing when you came to us so wounded. I have watched you struggle, at times, too, but through it all you are so full of life. You are such a precious treasure my love, and I am so beyond grateful to have you next to me everyday. I love you with all my heart, and am so glad to have you as my daughter baby girl!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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