- Six glorious hours of sleep. What more could a lady ask for in the hospital? This morning as I lay in this hospital bed pondering all that the next two days brings I am simply enjoying this little man wrangling in my womb. What a miracle this little one is as he kicks and turns with a heart beating so strong! Two more mornings to wake until this man enters the world. Yesterday, I got every earthly question answered that I could think of regarding C-section birth. I made my spreadsheet of the schedule for caregivers for myself and my girls. I am ready to meet this little man. Ready to hold in my arms this little one who has grown into, kicked, and expanded my womb for the last 35 weeks and 6 days. Will he have his Daddy's nose, my ears, Emily's eyes? All these questions every swirling in my heart. Will he grow to love the Lord, and be a Godly man like his Earthly father? Will the girls smother him with kisses? How will it feel to survey my home and count six? Six children. I remember last Christmas sitting in my family room surrounded by my then five babies not knowing that God had already begun to grow my sixth baby in my womb, and just marveling at the wonderful beauty of this large family He has given us. There is nothing that brings me the Joy that my children do, and, while I had no idea what a tremendous blessing this large family would be to me, God knew all along. This life, this little man, was written in my story all along! May my God continue to use my life, and that of our little man, to bring much glory to the kingdom. What a privilege to live this life for Him.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
Best wishes! Looking forward do lots of pictures. Blessings