Last week at Gull Lake, we were blessed to hear about a ministry called Parental Care Ministries. This ministry was started because of the prompting of an 8 year old girl who wrote in a Christmas card she made for her mother..I feel like Jesus wants me to tell you but I have been too afraid to say. We need to be missionaries for poor and needy people. As a result of this card and some other divine appointments with God's will, this ordinary family was obedient to God and began to walk alongside poor and needy people whom God brought into their paths from half way across the world. Parental Care Ministries was born and has hundreds of orphans they are serving in Uganda by providing them education, food, and our Savior's love. Seriously, the heart of these people and their ministry absolutely moved me to tears every single time they spoke!!
I stared at the faces of these children all week on the sponsorship boards. Like many ministries, they have a program that allows your family to provide $35.00 a month to a specific child. Through this sponsorship you are able to write to the child and get to know them while providing the financial means for their very necessities of life. WITH EVERYTHING IN ME, I WANTED TO PROVIDE SPONSORSHIP TO ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL UGANDAN FACES. God was laying out a big call..
There was one problem.. I already sponsored two kiddos in Guatemala and apparently the Lord forgot He has called me to adopt from China. I need $15,000 more in the next eleven months (or hopefully sooner) to bring my girl home. How could I take on more monthly support with my daughter waiting to be brought home?
God kept kept calling loud and clear though..I want you to care for one of these orphans. I was so burdened as we left last week having given only a lump sum to the ministry but not taking on an orphan to support monthly. I was burdened and still praying.
Then yesterday, we got a call from the organization that I currently support my two kiddos through in Guatemala telling me that one of my children had dropped out of the program and would no longer need sponsorship. The representative told me that this was highly unusual and she didn't know why my child would drop out of the program. She didn't know, but I knew. God was clearing the way for me to "adopt" an orphan in Uganda by supporting her monthly.
So yesterday evening, our family sat down at the computer and poured over the pictures on the Parental Care Ministries website. Welcome Peace Kyasiimire to our family. I hope that we can visit this precious child someday and tell her how much our family has loved and prayed for her. Until then, prayers are being sent up daily that God's love will be shown to her and her needs will be met through this incredible ministry. May God use her life in mighty ways for the Kingdom.
(Click on the link below to look at the orphans and sponsor a child yourself.)
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