I'm letting myself do it. In the early morning hours with my cup of hot tea and that precious picture of my daughter, I'm imagining her here. Letting myself hear her little footsteps trotting down the stairs. Letting myself see her chubby hands clinging to mine. Letting myself hear her voice calling momma. Imagining singing hymns to her while I rock her in the darkness and quiet. Imagining sitting around that tea party table, waiting in her room, having tea parties with stuffed animals. Letting myself hear her giggle and say I love you momma. Oh to hear that sound for real and to see those sights, not in my mind's eye, but in the here and now. So many days it seems like the waiting will just destroy me and yet I know that God is using this time to grow this love that I have for that sweet face even more. I just can't believe that I am lucky enough to be bringing this precious face home as my daughter. With everything in me, I pray for this child throughout the day. Please Lord..take care of my girl and prepare her heart to love me as much as I love her. Help me to be a picture of your love to her. Help me to teach her your ways and bring her to the path that you have for her life. I am truly grateful to know you as Savior and feel so unworthy of this blessing..Thank you Jesus that you love us so much and that you made this little girl a half a world away to be mine.
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