I have been in youth ministry for about eight years now. I have walked alongside many families who are parenting tweens guiding them into the teen years. I have offered advice, provided an ear, and most importantly prayed for wisdom for parents as they guide their children through this stage. Now, here I walk on this road for myself and the reality that I am having to become accustomed to parenting an almost teenager myself is setting in. I am facing the challenges, realities, and joys first hand nowadays.
That has been apparent this week as we headed to the apple orchard for some intentional family bonding. You see these days, she is tolerant of these trips, but definitely possesses less enthusiasm than in years earlier. She "allows" me to take a few pictures, she picks a few apples, and she smiles off and on through out our time. She even announces with grandeur that she is not interested in going in the playground. (As if I didn't know that!) Still, I know that these are precious times that will all too soon come to an end. What a beautiful gift from God-being able to parent this darling kiddo is!
As we were picking together, I was thinking that just as darling kiddo is examining the apples on the tree and trying to pick the ones best and most suited for our bag-God has picked her to live this life at this time because she is the best and most suited to accomplish His work here and in this generation. Our conversations of this nature never last long, but the seeds of her budding faith are being cultivated. And oh how I treasure every moment and word we spend together with the Lord regardless.
God is at work and I am being as obedient as I can to Deuteronomy 11:19 Teach them (God's words and ways) to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. I understand that she is beginning to go her own way, but I am certain that I have done and am doing all I can to pass my faith along to her. The rest is up to the Lord who is faithful and who loves her even more than I do.
I found a great new resource for parenting tweens. Check out www.secretkeeper.com for Dannah Gresh's new book-Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl and a one year devo book for moms and tweens. I am loving these resources. If you know of any others, please pass them along in the comments to this momma-who needs as much help as she can get.
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