I really hoped that since she responded so well to exploring in the airport that we were turning a new leaf. I hoped that she would begin to feel braver and let go of the security of the bed in our hotel room. Well, she hasn't. She still will not leave the bed in our new room without getting really upset. The doctor yesterday was very unpleasant for her. She was crying uncontrollably the entire visit, but she let me hold her. SHE LET ME HOLD HER!! She wrapped her little, fragile arms around her momma and she let me hold her. I held her for almost two hours yesterday morning and while my heart was breaking that she was so upset- I LOVED FEELING HER IN MY ARMS!! She is rocking herself less and less and letting us soothe her more and more.
We did walk the island and explore. If Jill is outside, she is much better than if we go into a building. She is just so unsure of everything. So, we walked around taking it all in. This is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been. It is lush and tropical. The surroundings are beautiful. In fact Em says the next time we adopt, we should say that we will only accept a referral from Guangzhou so we can spend the entire two weeks here. (Next time-love that girl's heart!!) I wish my baby girl was feeling well enough to get her picture taken in these beautiful surroundings. Poor Em is going to have to endure all of this momma's picture taking frenzy alone.
Jill is so much stronger medically already. Her bed sores on her head are healing and she is putting on weight in the middle. She is chugging down almost 32 oz a day in bottles now. :) She has several wet diapers a day too-many more than initially- and even has a dirty diaper regularly. Daddy had to change one alone yesterday as Em and I were out shopping. Funny sight to walk in on as he was a bit hysterical.
The joy this little girl has brought us already is beyond words. We love her so and can't wait to get her home for good.
Keep praying for Jill's little heart's healing.