After months of waiting, the day is finally here and tomorrow afternoon we will begin the first leg of this journey by checking into a hotel in Chicago. WOW! There is so much on my heart and so much that I am thinking that it is difficult to put into words. I know though that God knows every inch of my heart and my mind and that He is in it all. In it all because with out Him this journey would never be. Blessed beyond measure to know the Lord tonight.
His blessings continue to be poured on through His people. So much encouragement received even today.
A six grade girl and her little sis dropped off $22.50 for our journey to Jillian even tonight. They made duct tape pens and sold them for my girl's sake. Thanks Abbie and Makayla. :) You rock!
A high school senior in youth group praying over us, for safety, for our new daughter. One of our youth (whom we are supposed to lead) praying over us..
A card received in the mail from another youth expressing her heart so beautiful that I can't read it without bawling.
Another wonderful young youth who took time to write me a letter and share her heart. One who is always sure to tell me how much she loves me.
Sweet youth leaders who love our kids and stepped up to teach, preach, and take over while we are gone. A leader who even came right from signing their first mortgage to be there tonight.
Oh Lord as unworthy as we are..You are so good to provide so many who love us and love our little girl who is waiting a half a world away. Blown away continually at the way that you show us your love through the people of God walking alongside us on this journey. You are so good! You are so good!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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