I wanted to spend my entire post today praising the Lord that my little girl is eating some. I wanted to shout from the roof tops that she is letting me give her about a tablespoon of vanilla yogurt and a teaspoon of baby food three times a day using my finger. I wanted to share my joy with you..
Then I got this blog update from Uganda..I implore you if you read only one thing today..READ THIS!

While I am here feeding my daughter, there are other orphans in the most remote parts of this world who are being fed because of ministries like this one who is serving 200 kids a day in this remote school they have started for orphans in Uganda. Many children are starving with no hope all over the world. Then a believer has his eyes opened to the need and a ministry is born. That is the case with Parental Care Ministries. We had the chance to meet these precious people who work with Ugandan nationals to run this amazing ministry to meet the needs of hundreds of orphans in their country. Incredible. If you don't sponsor a child, please consider it. We sponsor a nine year old girl through this ministry and we have seen first hand the difference that it is making in her life. Pray for these orphans. Pray that God will continue to provide for this ministry and His glory will be made known through their lives in that beautiful place.
My little girl has a momma to feed her..so many don't.