Dear Jill,
I was watching you sleep just now. You tuck your little legs under you and sleep on your tummy with your thumb in your mouth most of the night. Your little cheeks are so full that your mouth is nearly invisible. Oh how I want to remember these moments. I want to remember all that this last three weeks has brought us and how far you have come. I want to remember the depths of the pain and the trials you have gone through so that I can remember the over whelming joy of your restoration. God has been so good to give you to us sweet girl and we are nuts about you. We love to have you in our arms and are just amazed at how well you are doing. How I wish I could freeze time so that I could remember the joy in your grandparent's eyes when you let them hold you for the first time or the thrill of seeing you take your first steps toward me after being home only a few weeks. How I long so much to tell you ever detail of every moment and what it feels like to be becoming you momma. I am not sure I have to the words to really describe all that is in my heart or to tell you all that you mean to me. When you read this one day..I just want you to know what a miracle you are and how very blessed we feel to have been given the chance to have you-to call you our daughter. You are a precious treasure..a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor my sweet one. God's splendor is all over you..
Loving you with all my heart,
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3b
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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