She had never had...the chance to take a bath with bubbles. She had never experienced splashing in the water and being washed lovingly by her momma to get the dried milk out of the wrinkles under her chin. 
She had never had the chance to..Sit in the grass under a tree in her front yard and pick up a stick while hearing the birds singing all around her.
She had never had the chance to..experience the sun and wind on her face or feel the grass on her legs while her momma takes a hundred pictures. (POOR GIRL!)
Truly a miracle each and every day that we have her. She got two shots, had her finger pricked, and a lead test at the doctor. She was not happy at all about that and that is a totally normal two year old reaction. Her ears are clear though. PRAISE GOD that her body is healing and the fluid that remains in her ears is even disappearing..SO GLAD!! We also were told by our doctor that, while she is tiny, her weight and height are totally proportionate! She is not underweight anymore. She is changing so fast. We start our therapy regiment at the end of this week. I am hoping feeding therapy will produce some fast results and we will get this girl eating some food. Thanks for your prayers for her.. We love her so and are so encouraged by how much you all love her too. What a good and gracious God we have..
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