Six months. The number of months it was between first seeing Jillian's sweet face and holding her in my arms for the very first time. Those six months seemed to take forever....
But since coming home, the last six months have flown by.
Happy Six Months Home My Sweet Girl.
Six months ago you couldn't...
make any speech sounds
let me hold you
eat any solid foods
touch and play with any toys
go anywhere outside of our home without intense anxiety and meltdowns.
You didn't..
hold our hand
leave any room in our house without us
sleep next to me at night
call out for help when you needed it.
BUT NOW... you do all of that and more. How I continue to marvel at how far you have come. How blessed I am to be your momma and to be able to watch you grow each and every day.
run, climb, jump, and walk occasionally too
scream with joy, babble like crazy, and chatter nonstop
you ask us to hold and rock you
you like to be snuggled tightly next to us
you love to eat
regularly touch every toy you own while throwing them around the living room
have gained nine pounds
are very comfortable outside the house if you are familiar with where we are
sleep nestled in the crook of my arm each night
laugh and smile continually
How we love you our precious girl. How grateful we are to God for the glorious gift of you. Looking forward to the many more months that life brings as our wait is over and you are home forever. You are forever our treasured daughter, loved by God, and adored by the three of us.
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