We saw the doctor this morning. He was wonderful, thorough, kind and he took a comprehensive look at our girl and her skills. He decided that an autism diagnosis was appropriate. I'm not going to lie..I cried right there. Cried because I love her so much and I just don't want things to be hard for her. She has had such a burden to carry already in her short little life and honestly if I could just keep her home, safe, and protected forever..I would.
The good news is that she is going to get lots of amazing help. So many programs that are cutting edge, research based, and incredible are available to us right here in our area. God knew that. God knew that here she would get exactly what she needed in our family. Resting in knowing that He is control and that He has a huge plan for this little lady's life. A plan that will bring great glory to His name. Trusting that. Leaning on that.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
I am sooo behind on my blog reading. I am praying for you sweet friend. I love seeing your steady trust in the Lord. He was preparing you for this long before you even knew about it. So blessed by your trust!! Awesome thing is He will continue to equip you with everything you need to raise your little miss :) Doesn't mean it's always going to be easy but you can draw strength in the promises He has given you...this IS your child and He DID chose her for your family.