(In my haste this morning, I must have published this post before I completed it. I was typing a mile a minute at 6:00 AM before my treasure woke up. Here is the post again..with more complete thoughts. :)
We have VBS this week.
Daddy and I are both trying to serve while taking the best care we can of our little treasure.
(Our dear Em is serving too. I LOVE this week of VBS. I love serving with my family!)
We took Jillian to the nursery yesterday for a while as we all needed to run in different directions.
We are blessed to have a few great people to work in there who really know my girl.
(This momma hangs out in there a lot with them, as it is hard for me to leave Jillian, and so they are wonderful about asking about her. They work so well with her.)
I left her in the nursery to play. She plays in there a lot though mostly I stay with her. I have left her there a handful of times over the last fourteen months, but not on a regular basis.
And while I was gone...
They heard her laugh.
Yesterday was the first day that they heard her laugh.
She was playing her newest, throwing toys up into the air so they fall around her, game.
And she laughed.
She has never been comfortable enough there to play any of her games.
She has never been comfortable enough there to laugh.
In fact, she is usually silent unless she is screaming for her momma to return.
But after almost 15 months home, she was able to laugh away from momma when she was playing in the church nursery! God is so good to continue to peel away all of the layers that have her trapped and I pray that she continues to show herself to the world so that God lights can shine through her.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago