I was packing up my little for a trip to the sprinkler park yesterday morning. It is so hot here that we were suited up and headed out the door by 9:30 for a few hours before the heat was unbearable. On the way to the car, we met the postman. He is a wonderful, kind man who is very sweet to our baby girl. He always asks about her and is so friendly. He asked where we were headed this morning and we exchanged a few pleasantries. Then he ended our conversation by saying what a life our little girl has and how lucky she is to have such a special family...
As I put her in her car seat and took off down the road, I looked back in my mirror at her just sitting in her swimsuit and I was flooded with love for her. For a moment, I agreed and was filled with praise that God has allowed this one precious baby girl to have just that..a family's love, but then I was filled with hopelessness. There are 147 million others who wait. That is such a HUGE number. I was crying out to God as I drove. I want all those children to feel this, to know this, to have a life with a family! And while I would love to be the one to make a difference in each of their lives..I CAN'T. There are too many..At times it just feels hopeless. I was feeling that hopelessness as I drove. Then as I looked back at her again, it was as if God whispered to my heart...you can make a difference for two. Two children in the grand scheme of 147 million may not seem like much. It may seem hopeless, but to the two that I have given you-IT MEANS EVERYTHING!
I don't have to be responsible for the 147 million..God can handle that. He has a plan and I was reminded that I only have to obey that which God has laid before me. My part in God's plan is to love these two (one of whom I don't yet know).
God has different plans for each us. While the problems of the world seem so daunting, overwhelming, and hopeless..God's plan involves giving each of His children a part of the different puzzles that are broken (our own piece if you will) and while we can't be more than one piece for the puzzle He has us completing..we can do what He calls us to do and be our part of His plan to bring light to a broken world by adding another piece to the puzzle we are working on. Just keep putting your pieces in as God lays them out for you and together with other believers God will use you to fix that which is broken to make a difference for others in His name.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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