Dear Jillian,
In the quiet of the morning, I am treasuring so much in my heart. Yesterday with you was just so beautiful just as so many days are that we have to spend together. You are living JOY baby girl and I can't help but absorb it as I walk next to you through our day. I took you to school this morning. As I left you telling you goodbye, you signed I love you to me. You sign I love you freely to Daddy and Mommy these days. You feel the love of a family dear one even though many doubted your ability to ever learn that. You played on the merry go round, threw leaves in the air, and sat on the swings with momma today too in the near sixty degree temps which is unheard of for this time of year. What a tremendous blessing it is to be able to enjoy a morning at the park with you. The simple things are what you treasure. You enjoy so much taking an hour to kick the leaves in the air at momma. You laugh, deep belly laughs, that resonate with that JOY you possess and most of the time you are a picture of HAPPINESS. Today, I held you-rocking you and singing- while you fell asleep for your nap. I am overcome with love for you as I watch you sleep. It is there in the absence of activity that I am able in the quiet to reflect on who you are becoming and how very much you have grown. You are our miracle and I am grateful to God for creating you, protecting you, and bringing you to us on that day in April just eighteen short months ago. You have forever changed who we are as a family, how we love, what we live for, and who we are becoming. Your Sissy and Daddy had a game last night and you refused to go to sleep until they were home. In fact, when the arrived at 10:30 you were still babbling and playing in your bed waiting. Daddy came to you first, but you pushed him aside because it was Sissy you wanted to kiss. With them safely under our roof, you then went right to sleep. As much as I anticipate the arrival of your little sister, I am savoring these next few months with you as I have you all to myself most of the time. I hope that when you are older you will be able to look back at these days we shared and see what a treasure you are. I hope that you will always know how very much you are loved by this little family. I know God has great plans for you and I am in awe that I get to walk next to you as you live out His plans for you. I love being your momma. Thank you for the privilege of that place in your heart.
With all my Love,
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
So beautiful! Jillian is such a Wonderful Gift from God!
ReplyDeleteLove you all!