It's her birthday and with all my heart I wish she was here with us. I wish she could eat the cake that I will prepare for her. I wish she could blow out the candles, tear open her gift, and run to my embrace after hearing me sing my off tune version of happy birthday. I miss her with everything in me. I long to know her, to see her face, and hold her in my arms. While I feel that my heart is likely to shatter in to a million pieces today, I am reminded that my Heavenly Father has a plan and the timing of bringing her home is all His. I wait with as much JOY as I can muster up today because I rest in the knowing that this is the last year she will celebrate her birthday without the love of a forever family in her heart.
My Dearest Anna Mei,
Momma's on her way to you treasure! Someday the pain of this wait and our separation will be a distant memory. We will be playing and living life together just as God has meant for it to be from the beginning of the world. One day soon, it will be hard for me to remember what it was like without you in my life. I love you dear baby girl! We all love you and are praying over you this very minute. Praying God's arms are wrapped around you sending our love across the miles and you feel it in your heart today and every day! Happy Second Birthday!
All My Love,
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