First and foremost, our Jillian has slept through the night the last two nights in a row. Not only has she slept through the night, she has gone to sleep peacefully without putting up an ugly fight. She has let me rock her, hold her, and ease her to sleep just like she used to before the last month reared its ugly head. THIS IS A HUGE PRAISE! I have to admit..I am scared out of my wits to leave this sweet girl alone with Daddy while I am in China. The not sleeping issue has been so hard and being alone with her would just really make it HARD for sure. We have been doing some pleading with the Lord during our prayer time..begging Him to help her overcome this and I am hoping she is moving in the right direction with the progress of the last two nights. I was certainly beginning to run on empty, but each day the Lord filled me up somehow. Needless to say, I am grateful for the two restful nights. GRATEFUL!
So much is happening on so many fronts..I really just want to record this so that when I doubt I can remember how God is in every detail. How he cares about every little thing..down to the smallest particle and how He has it all in His control..
Last Wednesday, I found a box waiting by my backdoor. I opened it up to find all of these beautiful new clothes for my Jillian. Three new short sets, two dresses, two pairs of pajamas, a new stuffed toy, and matching hair bows were all inside the box. A whole week's worth of outfits were given to her by my amazing, loving friend Julie. She has been Jesus' hands and feet for our family many more times that I can even do justice in this small space and well..she did it again. Getting new outfits for a growing one as the seasons change is off of our to do list. A need provided for by a believer who is a blessing in our lives. It might be too selfish to wish the warm weather would just come because these clothes are so cute and I can't wait to see Jillian in them!
Sometimes when things happen, I simply can't even believe it myself and this is one of those times. About every three months I sit down and evaluate Jillian's play, what she is using, how she is playing with it, where
I wish that I could say that every time the going gets tough and things seem desperate that I always remember to put on my full armor. I wish I could say that I am really good at going back over each and every example of God's faithfulness on the days that seem bleak. I am not always so good at that. In fact, it was Daddy last week, in light of an unfavorable financial situation that was out of our control, who you doubt that God will cover any losses that man might cause us? He has just provided everything we need to bring home our baby girl AGAIN! So true! Truly I am blown away by His goodness and His constant provision. I am thrilled to know Him and excited to continue down this path He has us set on. To God be the glory for all He has done in my life!
CUTE clothes!!! And hoping the good sleeping keeps up. It's so hard on everyone when a child or baby doesn't go down so easy (I have so been there and my son is finally going to sleep without a fight every night).
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post! Praise God for being in the "little" things!!
ReplyDelete-Beka =)