We lost a couple hundred year old tree from the side yard the other
night. We didn't even hear it fall as not one of us woke up, but it
destroyed everything in the backyard. The wooden swing set, little tykes
slide, several sections of our vinyl fence, and rocking fish are
history. They were smashed in a thousand little pieces. The hole the
tree left when it landed is gigantic. It was a huge old tree. About
5:15 AM, I went out to put some mail in the mail box and was met with
the site of this huge tree laying across the back of the yard. I was
quite surprised. The girls are upset that their swing set is in lots
of pieces and no longer functional and I have to admit that I am a bit
bummed too at the mess as our backyard is one of our favorite hang outs,
but no one was hurt and the tree clean up provided hours of fun
entertainment. It took the tree company about 15 hours to tackle this gigantic task. That means there was a lot of looking out the window while
standing on this stool for those two days. It also means Daddy will be
building another swing set. Thanking God for his protection of our home and my big girl who sleeps at the corner of the house closest to the wall where the tree fell. If it had fallen on the house, it would have been very likely that she would have been hurt.
I'm so sorry that happened, but so thankful God protected everyone. I wish I had a little slide sitting around here...but our sub is having a garage sale this coming weekend. I'll watch for one!