of just how moved people are when they hear my Jillian's story.

We LOVE the local library. It is new and they have amazing, great programs there that are all free to those of us that live in this great community. We visit there often and in the entrance of the children's department, there are "lava tiles" which my Jillian has always been drawn to. In fact, they make her laugh and jump with glee. She draws some attention when she interacts so joyously with these tiles at the library. So on several occasions, I have had a conversation started up with me about my special girl by the friendly and wonderful library staff while Jill laughs and runs from tile to tile. I asked just what these tiles were on one occasion thinking that Jillian would really enjoy having one at home if they weren't too expensive. The staff put me in contact with the architect that designed the library, and put said tiles into place, so that I could get more information about these magnificent and visually stimulating carpet inserts. Well, these tiles cost lots of money and so I just resigned to enjoy them at the library (which we do), but apparently the architect was so moved by my girl's story, as it was shared by the library staff, that she worked to get a tile donated for her. Imagine my surprise when I found a message in my inbox saying they had one for our Jillian completely free of charge. I picked it up while she was in school and placed it in the living room next to her sensory tent so she could see it when she got home. Boy did she ever see it! She didn't even take her coat off! She started voicing and laughing as she jumped up and down on the beautiful red "lava" inside this tile. She was one happy, happy girl! There are not many things that make my baby girl so very genuinely happy so I was pretty happy too. Thank you so very much Mindy for working to get this for my girl! She sure loves it!
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