You endure months of tantrums, rages, night terrors, and anger. You cuddle a stiff frame, rock a rejecting form, and kiss a turned cheek. You pray and pray for a heart to be opened. Then somewhere along the way, she loves you back. She asks you to swaddle her, rock her before bed, and kiss her boo boos. She wants you to feed her, begs to stay close to you, and comes running to your arms when you pick her up from church. One day in the mist of living out this life, she falls in love with you and, though you have felt she was yours all along, she becomes yours in her heart. I hope I never get over the miracle that it is to hear the words "I love you Momma" each night from my sweet babe. I hope I never grow tired of rocking her swaddled in a blanket after she has had one of her nightmares. I hope I never forget just how hard I have fought for her heart and how very good it is to finally have earned a place there. She is worth it. How good it is to have this babe's love..to be the one she calls momma.
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