donkey. The preschool teacher at the christian school where my girls attend decided to dress the preschoolers up as barnyard animals for the Christmas program. I thought it was adorable.
Anna Mei was pretty awe struck by the crowd and didn't sing too much, but she could bow.

The high school choir, including our Em, also sang some beautiful songs of Christmas. (She would kill me for posting a picture of her so please don't tell her.:) She is growing up so. She gets college material almost every. single. day. Really college admissions counselors, do you have to remind me how little time I have left with her?
My little princess was thrilled that momma gave her a pearl necklace from our China trip to wear. She told everyone "my momma give me necklace from China".
Absolutely adorable and radiating JOY is this special, special girl of mine. Sunday both Jillian and Anna are sheep in our Christmas program at church. Stay tuned for more adorable in the days to come!
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