There are so many things that Satan uses to try to steal our joy this time of year. There is just never enough time and often not enough money. We so easily loose our focus at Christmas and forget the very reason we celebrate..a tiny babe, God, coming to earth so that we might have eternal life. This season I am not loosing focus and so far the battle is being won because I feel especially blessed this year. There are so many reasons to be thankful and I am not hurrying, not stressing..this year I am savoring and taking time to share Jesus with my children first!
Cookie Making....
I have made close to 53 dozen cookies by this time, but these cookies are special.
I remember the year my mom found these cookies in a magazine when I was a child. I remember sitting at my kitchen table with the refrigerated dough tube cutting away and creating these very shapes to frost and decorate.
We have been making them forever.
Of course because she LOVES frosting, Anna Mei is a fan of this variety of cookie too.
Em is so nostalgic this year. She is remembering all the years and all that we have done. Funny how in her old age, she is the one who cherishes the sameness of our seasons through the years.
Precious Life!
Uncle A decorated too! It is such a gift to have family living in the same town we are as we can see them everyday. We have never lived in the same town before so we are enjoying it!
Em wanted to watch a holiday movie together so we baked a pizza, ate dinner in the family room, and watched Veggie Tales "The Toy Who Saved Christmas". It was fabulous!
Then, Daddy and Em watched an old, classic Ernest Saves Christmas. It was funny to hear Em ask what year this was made.
Today, I took the girls to a nursing home to "perform" the nativity. I had a shepherd and a sheep.
The children dressed up, looked so very cute, and shared their joy with some elderly today. My heart was full. Why do I spend so little time serving others alongside my small children? They are such a gift and have such open, sharing hearts. They don't always say or behave the way we like, but they are such a tremendous blessing to those they are around. I will take them again as it was delightful!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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