Deuteronomy 4:35

You have been shown these things that you might know the Lord is God besides him there is no other.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Crying for my Baby Girl

This morning I cried tears over my daughters tiny form as four wonderful nurses inserted an NG tube into her sweet little nose. Initially I cried because of her discomfort.. because when she hurts-I hurt. Then I cried for all the times she did this in China without a momma to sing to her. I cried for the millions who lack access to care because they are without a family to provide for them. And I wondered how I could have lived so much of my life turning a blind eye to these least who I now cherish. What an incredible privilege to stand next to her hospital bed, to rock, sing to, and comfort this precious girl who I have the pleasure of calling my daughter in this life. What a beautiful, joyful little soul my sweet Ellie Grace carries throughout her days. I am forever grateful for that file I found sitting in my inbox because I can't imagine life without her.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Daddy's Home

This last weekend our Daddy headed to Dallas for a baseball chaplain conference.  He was away for a couple of days, and it was hard, but the most precious, amazing thing happened when he returned to us.  Our girls erupted with choruses of DADDY'S HOME, and JOY was so apparent on their faces.  They wrestled, hugged, and jumped on their Daddy with great relief because they missed him so much.  And it made me cry.  I cried because, while my girls know the love of a Godly man, millions in foster care and orphanages all over the world don't know what is to have a Daddy coming home to them.  And I prayed.  I prayed that men in the church would rise up.  I prayed that they would take the amazing gifts that God has given them to lead and love their families, and willingly open their hearts and homes to those who would not otherwise know what it is to have a Daddy.  Why are we so selfish with what God has given us that we are so unwillingly to share it with those who don't have it?  I don't have the answer to that question as I spent years with a blind eye turned to these children, and, oh, how I missed out on so many blessings by keeping our family so closed.  Today, I pray that God doesn't allow my heart to grow cold to the needs of these children, and that I will continue to pray and seek ways to serve them.  My heart is forever changed because of my daughters from China, and, while I am forever grateful to God for the gift of them, living with the knowledge that so many millions more wait is heartbreaking.  May we always be open to what God leads as His heart's desire is to see every child in a family.  Isn't there room for just one more around your table?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

A Sleeping Baby

There is nothing this side of heaven that is more satisfying than holding a sleeping baby.
Since my baby girl has been sick, I have gotten to hold her so much.  She slept six hours in my arms on her sickest day, and it certainly gave me plenty of time to ponder the privilege it is that I get to be her momma.  Oh that she would stay this size forever!  Such a precious, precious gift that God would allow me to have this girl to raise up for Him.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Date at the Art Museum

Today is the first day in almost two weeks that I feel like I have a bit of my energy back.  The household health is on the rise, and I even managed to get everyone out for a haircut this morning.  Believe me this is no small feat considering I could hardly sit upright for most of the last two weeks.  Thank goodness this nasty bug seems to be beaten. So because there was a free day at the CR Art Museum, and my seven year old artist was desperate for a little focused time, Anna Mei and I headed for an hour of one on one time.
There was a scavenger hunt through the galleries today.  It made looking at the paintings and sculptures extra fun.
She thought this ear of corn with a slab of butter painting was hilarious.
There were several stations throughout the museum where you could work on various projects.  We used water color pencils to create paintings in the classroom.
We also made a barn picture by rolling dice, and drawing the corresponding part.  The shadow puppet station was super fun too, and after a little over an hour my girl's love tank was FULL.  What an incredible blessing that Daddy was able to watch the other littles while we got a way a bit.  I enjoy our dates just as much as Anna Mei does.  I was thinking about how hard we have fought for this mother daughter bond, and how very much I adore her now.  There were so many times that I would pray God would make this happen, and He has answered my prayers very thankful as the battle for her heart has been so very worth it!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

One on One Time

As a momma to many, it can be challenging to meet everyone's needs on a day to day basis even when four of our seven family members aren't sick.  This sweet girl of mine hasn't ever gotten the bug and I am so grateful for that, but it has been challenging to watch everyone get so much attention while she has had to do a lot more for herself.  This girl of mine thrives on one on one time, and undivided attention.  It fills her love tank like nothing else.  So before our Daddy headed out early Saturday morning,  she and I headed out for a 6:00 AM donut and hot chocolate date.
Since this girl is up at the crack of dawn everyday, it works out for her to get a little one on one time before the sunrises.  As much as I would have loved to stay in bed after being up all night caring for the sick baby, this time with my bigger girl meant the world to her.  It may our day so much better, and she was such a big help caring for everyone all day while her Daddy was visiting Emily.  I am so very thankful for this big girl as she is a HUGE blessing to me!