This last weekend our Daddy headed to Dallas for a baseball chaplain conference. He was away for a couple of days, and it was hard, but the most precious, amazing thing happened when he returned to us. Our girls erupted with choruses of DADDY'S HOME, and JOY was so apparent on their faces. They wrestled, hugged, and jumped on their Daddy with great relief because they missed him so much. And it made me cry. I cried because, while my girls know the love of a Godly man, millions in foster care and orphanages all over the world don't know what is to have a Daddy coming home to them. And I prayed. I prayed that men in the church would rise up. I prayed that they would take the amazing gifts that God has given them to lead and love their families, and willingly open their hearts and homes to those who would not otherwise know what it is to have a Daddy. Why are we so selfish with what God has given us that we are so unwillingly to share it with those who don't have it? I don't have the answer to that question as I spent years with a blind eye turned to these children, and, oh, how I missed out on so many blessings by keeping our family so closed. Today, I pray that God doesn't allow my heart to grow cold to the needs of these children, and that I will continue to pray and seek ways to serve them. My heart is forever changed because of my daughters from China, and, while I am forever grateful to God for the gift of them, living with the knowledge that so many millions more wait is heartbreaking. May we always be open to what God leads as His heart's desire is to see every child in a family. Isn't there room for just one more around your table?
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