To My Dearest Baby Girl on Her Fifth Birthday,

Sweet, sweet Molly..there are really no words for the absolute JOY you bring into our lives everyday. From the beginning, you have been so full of love for us, and we absolutely adore you! You have grown up so much this year, but still spend lots of time asking if you are still my baby. I assure you that you will always be my baby! You continue to be a jokester whose silliness has us laughing all day long. You love your sister, Anna Mei ,fiercely as she is your favorite playmate and best friend. You never pass up a chance to snuggle with Emily, can't wait to have everyone at home together, greet your Daddy with the biggest love, and are so excited to be a big sister again! You can read well, and love doing it. You often spend a good deal of time every night reading to us from your sight word readers! You are so proud to be able to do it. You also love writing and spelling! For ninety minutes, you used your talker the other day to find words to categorize by beginning sound in the new journal I bought you. When you found octagon to record on the "o" page, you were ecstatic! You Love all things learning for sure! You can now pedal your bike all the way around the block faster than your sisters, and run the whole time you are out jogging with Daddy. You are such an athlete! Recently, you received your first love letter in the mail from a boy in your preschool class. Daddy did not think this was near as cute as mommy did when I read it. You seem to be keeping your options open though as you have new friends you love everyday that you come home. Everyday you are full of life! You never stop going, and require much less sleep than our other girls.

You have the latest bedtime as you just don't need to go to sleep as early as the other girls. If we put you down at *:00, we often find you up playing in your kitchen in the dark bedroom hours later. You enjoy being up later so much as each night at bedtime you ask..Molly stay up?...and we like the extra snuggles with you too. You amaze us at all you can do, and you continue to surprise everyone around you! I can't wait to homeschool you in Kindergarten next year, and watch how your mind grows! I love, love, love you with all my heart! You are just a GREAT JOY and wonderful kid!
Happy fifth birthday my big girl!
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