Jesus looked at them and said, "With Man these things are impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
When we started this adoption, we literally had NO IDEA how God could really make this happen. It seemed beyond impossible.
We had NO IDEA how DH would be able to overcome his fear and fly.
We had NO IDEA how we could ever agree to surrender our easy lives and invite in the unknown.
We had NO IDEA how we would pay for this adoption.
We had NO IDEA, but God knew!!
God knew that He would give DH a love for this little girl that could overcome his fear of flying. God knew, the daddy in my DH would have to get to his little girl.
God knew that the fears of the unknown would be overcome by His promises to never leave us or forsake us. God knew that He would use this journey to draw us ever closer to Him!
God knew that He would provide financially every-step-of-the-way! Even when I didn't know- God knew. We have made it to $4,000 dollars in donations in just two months. Each and everyday we are given more and more by so many people who love the Lord and are supporting us by helping us bring our baby home! People who are making more than one donation. People who are giving in huge ways and sacrificing much so that our girl can come home to her family. $4,000 dollars just like that!! Who knew? God knew. Have you ever just taken such a leap of faith and had God show up in such a big way? He promises He will and I am in awe of the goodness of my God! I was just in the kitchen yesterday shouting and screaming with Praise to God for amazing friends who shared $1,000 dollars with us!! Praise be to Jesus!
This momma is forever grateful to the many friends who have so generously supported us and loved on us and our girl. I can't wait for you to meet her.. I can't wait to tell her about all that God has done through so many to bring her home to us. Missing her like crazy today and counting down the days until I can hold her in my arms!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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