This is one of the worst times of the year for most people financially. There is a lot demanding people's money during this season..gifts, special offerings, travel. There are a whole lot of ways to spend your money in December WHICH makes it even more miraculous that so many of our precious friends are investing in us and helping us to bring our precious gift home. WE HAVE RAISED $2,000 AS OF TODAY!! Thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times over for investing in God's call on our lives and bringing this precious girl home to us.
I was so encouraged to receive this personal note from some wonderful,faithful believers who we are blessed to call friends.
It read..
We are so excited to share in your journey of adoption! God has many blessings in store for your precious family and your "new addition".(They are grandparents to two beautiful Chinese granddaughters adopted by their daughter.) Our son told us that our daughter's first adoption gave him a more vivid picture of Christ's salvation to us. Their little girl, due to her severe disabilities, was rescued from a most certain death had she not been adopted (by their daughter's family)..we too were sentenced to death had Christ not rescued us!
To which I spoke audibly after I read it alone in the kitchen..AMEN! Thank you sweet Jesus! Thank you for the opportunity you give us to know you and for the chance you are giving us to reach out across the world in order to show our newest daughter who you are. We love you Lord and are so blessed by the many you have put in our lives like these precious friends-who because we share you as personal Savior are like family to us. Praise you Jesus! Praise you Jesus!
Hi Leslie! Just popped onto my blog and read your comment. Your little Jillian is just the cutest little bundle I have ever seen. Would love to take some of her mama's love when we travel which should be soon. We got our TA yesterday and requested a consulate date of 1/3 and 1/4 which means we will leave on Dec. 24. You are welcome to email me privately and we can chat. I will be happy to take some photo's of Jillian if the orphanage will let me and if you want me to deliver something you can mail me something and I will take it to her. Here is my email Nicholeminot@aol.com.