I am so full today.
Sunday has a way of doing that to me.
Especially Sundays when I get to have my teens here for lunch though it has nothing to do with eating and everything to do with the Lord.
God's love was everywhere I looked today....
It was carried in the arms of my teens as they hugged me.
It was written on the faces of the people who love on our family in our congregation.
I heard it in the words of those around me.
Do you know the fullness of Christ?
Do you have fellowship, true fellowship, with Him who made you?
Do you know who He meant for you to be?
How much He loves you?
I cried in Sunday School today because they are so many people around me, living their lives everyday, who would have to answer no to those questions.
I cried because I have been there.
I have known what it is like to be empty.
BUT then God called me to Himself.
I chose Him and because of that I am now so FULL!
I am so sad that there are so many still living that life of emptiness.
So many still searching for the secret to a full life.
I have the secret because I have Christ.
You can too.
Don't let another day go by in emptiness.
Turn to Him.
And be Full.
..and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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