My little lady loves her some contemporary worship...

Daddy was speaking at a Reach Out worship event across town last night. It was in a church that she had never been to before with lots of people she had never seen and she walked right in and led me to the front row. She loves her some worship! She sat on my lap for the first hour watching and listening while calling out with joy from time to time. Then, it was time for Daddy to do a little teaching from the Word and she sat right up at attention when she saw her daddy going up there. She reached her little hands out to him asking for him several times during his lesson, but was listening and watching his every move. For the last hour of worship, she stood-just like the picture- though she jumped from time to time..watching that drummer (who happens to be a "sheep" of ours) move those sticks and play. She was made for a mosh pit I tell ya! She really loved when the bongo drum was being played out in front. Nothing like singing praises to the Lord with this little treasure next to me. I tell is simply too good to comprehend that she is here and she is ours. What a little miracle we have living in our midst that is for sure!
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