Jillian found some dead grass at the bottom of the bell "tower" and could have played in there for hours. She was happy to find a giant sensory bin for her enjoyment. She did not want to pick the apples or walk among them, but she did enjoy playing inside the "tower" and swinging on the porch swing.
Anna Mei was thrilled with the morning activity in every sense of the word! She loved picking the apples and carried the heavy baskets as we filled them up though she would say "heavy, heavy" the entire time she was lugging it around.
She has so much precious toddler left in her face, but I know that all too soon that will be gone and she will be grown up like my Jillian.
I just love how everything brings her great wonder. She loved examining each apple and counting them as we put them in.
After picking, we found Daddy and Jillian enjoying the swing. Jill is signing momma here because she wanted me to sit down too.
Anna Mei couldn't wait to get home to enjoy her bounty. She bit into one of the red frees we picked on the way home. Yummy!
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