I even got her to wear arm floaties. Until last week, the sweet girl wouldn't go near them. She would not even play in a pool when someone was wearing them. I knew if I could get them on her she would love the independence and ability to float so last week I did it. I got them on her and she LOVES them.
She is so cute signing LOVE BEACH this afternoon. My this treasure is so adorable!
She loves to "swim" with those floaties. She is full of smiles while we play. When we had to go she just kept signing SAD. We will be spending many, many summer days here. It is a 15 minute drive and it is FREE! Seriously, could it be any better?
Anna Mei was thrilled to be going and sang WE ARE GO TO BEACH..again and again while driving out there.
Em played with her sisters and followed them into the water again and again!
We had one perfect day! I said we should get a camper and a boat or maybe we should just keep driving the fifteen minutes to this little piece of paradise so close to home. Praising God in deed for His goodness and provision for our family in placing us here as so many things about this city are just perfect for our family!