Six? Really? Our miracle is six years old today. She has grown into an amazing, beautiful little girl. We are crazy, head over heels in love with this wonderful blessing!
We had a "sand" theme to celebrate her. Birthdays usually really stress her out so I wanted to find something that she would really enjoy. She LOVES sand. She loved this cake. I loved that she smiled.
How old are you?
Her birthday cake was in a bucket and really looked like sand. She played and played
and played some more in it.
She blew out her candles with ease. We have come so far in the last four years.
I continue to be amazed watching her come to life.
I could just cry watching her enjoying so much.
I made her a sensory bin that looked like sand though it was dyed bread crumbs. SHE LOVED IT! FULL OF JOY!
It was a HUGE mess, but well worth it to see her smile.
We love you our beautiful, miraculous little babe. She has enlarged our hearts and shown us more of Jesus than we could have ever imagined. We are crazy, crazy for her!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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