Tonight I noticed a couple in their late fifties with a southern draw sitting near the pool. There was also a very handsome twelve year old Chinese young man quietly swimming alone amidst a group of large siblings with their new eleven year old brother. The quiet twelve year old sat to the side and I assumed, being recently adopted, that he spoke no English so he sat alone. Soon I saw that fifty something man approach the quiet boy and I watched a huge smile erupt on his face as he called Baba (Daddy in Mandarin). The fifty something father swam with and wrestled his new son all the while this boy, new to having a father, beamed! The fifty something momma approached us and shared their story. They have adult children, five grandchildren, an empty nest, and , by the looks of it, plenty of love to share so instead of choosing to collect shells or golf... they are opening up their family to this handsome, bright young man. At a time when their friends are vacationing, grand parenting, and retiring.. they are answering God's call to care for the least. It is absolutely inspirational to see the gospel in action right here in this land! How might God use this young life because his mom and dad said yes to following God's leading. You can bet I am in tears watching the example of this couple and so inspired watching them love their new son.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
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