Last week, this girl spent 90 minutes in an audiology appointment at the U. In fact, she is spending 90 minutes every other week. We had to wait about twenty minutes without her aids as they were checked and tuned up. She kept pointing to her ears and asking "my ears". When her aids were reprogrammed and given back to her, I popped them in while we were in the lobby and she declared..I HEAR! There wasn't a dry eye in the house. This sweet, tiny, little peanut has a way of capturing the hearts of all those around her. We are spending so much time in the audiology booth because it seems that our Molly is loosing ground as far as her hearing goes. If the audiograms from the summer are correct, her hearing is going pretty fast. I have to admit...I am crushed that she might loose the little hearing she has, and I am perplexed by the test results because it seems that she is actually hearing more environmental sounds lately than before. This girl is complicated that is for sure, and we just aren't sure what is going on. Her ABR results when her loss was diagnosed was all over the place and quite unusual. We don't exactly know what is causing her loss, and she seems to have both sensory neural and conductive components. We haven't yet found a genetic component, and no one has ordered a CT scan to check for missing bones. Missing bones is a good guess since our dear girl is missing bones in her arm, but it is just a guess. So we are throwing out new diagnosis, doing lots more testing, and scratching our heads. Might she loose all her hearing..I hope not. Might she benefit from an implant..maybe. Might she have auditory neuropathy..maybe. There are so many unknowns right now, and so this momma prays. I might worry a teensy bit too, but mostly I am doing my best to leave this at the foot of the cross as I know that God has been mighty in my little peanut's life so far so I trust Him with her. I want her to keep her hearing with aids, develop intelligible language, and live a life that shines brightly for our beloved Savior so that is what I am praying for her. We would certainly appreciate your prayers as we explore this over the next few months. We have a couple of doctor's appointments and I am hoping someone will be willing to dig deeper biologically to see if we can find anything.
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