At 4:00 AM this morning, I dragged myself out of bed to face the still dark day. Starting a load of towels, and brewing a strong cup of green tea from my daughter's birth country, I prepared to wake my little one for a trip to the U to have a sedated procedure in an attempt to gauge the progression of her hearing loss. Progressive Hearing Loss..those words sting as I type them. They have caused me sleepless nights, worry, and tears over the last few months. They have haunted me..causing me to take my eyes off the cross, and forget just how faithful my God has been. How could I let mere words have such power over me? Today, I was a bit nervous, but couldn't wait to face the results of this test head on. At least, after today, I could be sure what we were up against. I could be armed with information used to get the next ball rolling if need be. If, indeed, her loss had progressed to a severe..almost deaf status as her behavioral booth results had been suggesting..I would know and could walk on clinging to the HOPE that I have in Christ. I held her as she was poked, and the IV was inserted. I walked beside her bed, and then settled her in the sound booth. I stroked her while she was given the sleeping meds, and I watched her go to sleep so quickly that I wished we could give her some of those meds at home when I was particularly anxious to get her to sleep so I could watch the next episode of This is Us. ☺ Then, I waited with a wonderful friend from church as Daddy had home duty. She prayed over Molly asking for Him to perform a miracle and heal her. Then our little princess came back to me an hour later, and close behind her were those ABR results I had been anticipating all these months.
Her hearing has not changed!! Her loss is still mostly moderate with a pocket of severe in some tones and a few moderate in others. This is unbelievable news! I am absolutely praising God for this great news! God does not change because this good is what I had hoped for. He isn't any better or worse because of it, because either way He will be glorified. Either way He has a plan for good, but what a relief to this momma that our merciful God has spared Molly at this time from loosing more of her hearing! We are grateful for so much after today. Grateful for a day spent with a church friend, and the many who have been praying for her. Grateful for the dozens of wonderful medical professionals who so compassionately cared for my baby girl, and for the state of the art facility that she was treated in. Beyond grateful that our dear audiologist met us at her office @ Wendel and reprogrammed Molly's aids saving us another trip to the U, and making sure that her aids match her need perfectly! Above all, I am grateful for Molly's life and the future that lies ahead of her as I anxiously anticipate all that God could use her to do! Thank you to those who have been praying!
Praising the Lord with you!