Over our spring break, we had a chance to take a field trip to learn about maple syrup making. It was Jillian's spring break, and so she was able to attend with us. It nearly brought me to tears watching her "labeling" everything she saw with sign, and so freely exploring this new place. My heart was overflowing! She was totally connected to the speaker, asked questions via sign, and commented on so much all with her sign language. In the beginning, we could have never, never done anything like this. Her anxiety would have gotten the best of her or she would have preferred to pick grass and not get involved with the group. NOW...she is just so so interested, able to communicate, and best of all........HAPPY! Fear doesn't so easily overcome her and I was over the moon to get to have this day with her!

Anna Mei carried this yoke like a champ. We had just talked about being unequally yoked in marriage as she comes up with the hardest questions during Bible time so it was so neat to have this physical representation of those verses.
Mini Molly was a champ. It was cold outside, but we learned so much!
The girls each got a chance to drill into the tree to collect sap.
They loved all the hands on activities.
We ended our time eating ice cream with maple syrup on top, but I didn't get one picture. I think I was finally warm being back inside that I didn't even have any feeling left in my hands to find my camera. It was a great day of memories with my girls despite the frigid temps! Spring break in the Midwest can be COLD.
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